Sunday, July 25, 2010

Only For A Season

As I am sure you are aware, it has been awhile! To those who do not know what has been going on in my life, please let me give you the Reader's Digest version.

In April my husband, James, started working in Baltimore, MD. This job is wonderful. Good pay, great company and James seems genuinely happy to go to work (as happy as you can be!) He was commuting between Baltimore and SWVA thanks to a very nice friend of my MIL's who allowed James to live with him. James made the 6+ hour drive weekly. Well, this past weekend we mad the move up here. No more commuting for James, no more family for me! I know they are a email, or phone call away, but it is not the same. Alas, I praise my most gracious Heavenly Father that James is employed in this economy and that he is happy again.

The reason for my title is this, I know that everything only lasts for a season. Some seasons are pretty and nice and some are dark and cold. I am praying that this season is full of God's presence and grace and that we will grow as a family and as believers. We know that God has placed us here for a time as this and praise Him for working in our lives.

So, upon request of my sister, I am starting to blog again. Sometimes it will be funny, sometimes I will make you cry (in boredom) and sometimes, I just need someone to listen. I am doing this for family to keep up with us so I plan to be real. Period. Welcome back...

Love you!
