Friday, July 24, 2009

Grace Appt

I forgot to add that Grace has an appointment to see her ENT at UVA on Wednesday, we are excited for this appt since Grace has been choking so much since the surgery. We are still trying to figure out what we are doing for the appt and who is taking her up or if we are all going. It is such a long drive and with only one person doing the driving, an 8 hour round trip is a lot, plus with the van not working well. Please pray we make the right decision.

Also, the kids have a dentist appt on Monday. All three little ones. Pray for peace (I would say patience, but I know better) Grace has some teeth that have been trying to come in for months and are stuck under the gums so I am praying he can give us an idea why.

Ok, I will update after her appt on Wed. if not before.

Love to you all!!



Because nothing in our lives in simple, I ws in the ER last night with a pulse of 256, yeah, you read that right. I was diagnosed with SVT. Now adding a cardiologist to my list of docs. I am thankful to MckMama because had I never heard of Stellan, last night would have been much scarier than it was. When I went into the hospital, it was like a scene from ER. As soon as they saw that my pulse was so high, I had 6 nurses and a doctor in my room, two IVs in, oxegen and a heart monitor on. I just closed my eyes and prayed, not because I was scarred just overwhelmed. Luckily after a few doses of an IV med, they were able to get it down to 120. Today I am still having heart flutters and pain, but my pulse is staying down.

Oh, and earlier this week, James lost everything off his computer including a bunch of pictures. also, since a couple weeks ago, our transmission has been going out, and it is so bad that there are many times, ok all the times you first start the car, that it will not go into drive. I am feeling very overwhelmed. Please remind me that God is in control. Right now, I feel like things are spinning further and further out of control.

Just had to get all that off my chest. I know that this is not my usual positive post, please forgive me and come back. I am just in a place where I really need my Abba Father. Please hold me close sweet Jesus.

Love you all!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Pray for my husband James

Oh goodness, I just typed a blog and when I went t0 publish it kicked me out.

The short of it is my husband James, 31, is in the ICU with uncontrollable blood pressure. Every time they get it down with the Nitro drip, as soon as they take him off it rebounds.

Please pray for James and for all of us. I will update more later, but for now, I have been up for 40 hrs and just finished picking up the house and putting kids to bed and I am beat.

Love to you all!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Grace is doing so well!!

Thank you all for your prayer and encouragement these past few weeks. Grace is doing so wonderfully! She is almost back to her old self, almost. She is still very needy and mommy obsessed, but I guess I should take advantage of that as soon she will move on and not want anything to do with me like the older ones. She is back to fake burping and saying "cuse me" and when she hears loud trucks, banging her fists, saying "boom, boom, boom, bye bye" So adorable.

I am enjoying the boys being home, but looking forward to school starting. Three boys are fun and challenging. They are rambuncious and full of life. The are constantly into something or planning their next adventure. Zachary is having trouble sleeping, so he is a little more challenging, but I'll take it. I loved my kids so very much and could not imagine life without any of them.

My hubby is amazing. He is so loving and caring. We celebrated 6 years on Friday and I look forward to 100 more, ok not that many, but you get the picture :)

Finally, church this morning was just awesome. The worship was so full of the Holy Spirit. You could just feel everyone lifting up the name of our Father and praising Him, surrendering to Him. The sermon was about God's will and God really spoke to me. It really laid out the three types of God's will. The moral will of God, the providental will of God and the personal will of God. My prayer for you all is the you let the light of God eliminate your darkness.

Love you all!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

So much better

Grace is doing so much better. She was back in the ER on Sunday for fluids and came home with an IV because we were afraid she would need to be put inpatient on Monday. God had other plans and by Monday midday she was eating and drinking some. Today, she is normal Grace, ok needier and less trusting, but eating and drinking like normal Grace. We went to the park and went to the pool, it was so much fun! It was great to have Grace back. To hear her laughing and talking. Unfortunatley, Joshua started running a 102 fever, so please pray that she doesn't get whatever he has because I am afraid that will send her back.

God is awesome! Truly and completley AWESOME.

Love you all!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Sorry for the lack of updates!

I am so sorry for the lack of updates. Things have been crazy to say the least. Tuesday we decided to go to DC because we were staying in the area until Grace's followup on Wed anyway. It was really fun. It was nice for the kids to get to do something special and get Grace's mind off of everything.

Unfortunatley, we ended up in the ER on Wed evening following our appt with the ENT. Grace was obviously dehydrated and in much pain. She would do nothing all day but cry and sit in my arms. After 4 attempts they were able to get an IV in and gave her lots of fluids. They let me have the decision to keep her or to let us drive home. I decided to come home, praying she would start drinking once she was in her normal element. Not the case. She has had one wet diaper in 24 hrs and that was not very wet. So, we are going to the Children's ER today, more than likely to be admitted again. Another holiday away from family.

Please pray for Grace. She is just miserable. Yesterday she slept most of the day and when she was awake she was crying in pain and wanting to be held. She really wants to eat and drink, or she did, she really won't even try much anymore. The previous days, she would stick things in her mouth and cry because she was so hungry, yet the pain was so bad she couldn't swallow anything. There were times that I just cried along with her.

Also, yesterday Devon woke up throwing up and was sick all day, last night, Zachary woke up throwing up at 2:30am he was covered in puke as he calls it.

Guys, I won't lie, I am weary. With all this medical stuff and now the flu, I feel sometimes we can't get a break. Then I think of other families who have kids that have terminal illnesses and am reminded that while we have a lot on our plate, that it is not even close to what these families are experiencing. Please pray that I remember those that are less fortunate and remember that God has been faithful, therefore I must be too. There is some other stuff that I could really use prayers for that don't belong here (for those that know me personally, no it's NOT my marriage)

Thank you all for your prayers, I know that God hears every one of them and I trust that HE is in control.

Love you all!