Sunday, July 12, 2009

Grace is doing so well!!

Thank you all for your prayer and encouragement these past few weeks. Grace is doing so wonderfully! She is almost back to her old self, almost. She is still very needy and mommy obsessed, but I guess I should take advantage of that as soon she will move on and not want anything to do with me like the older ones. She is back to fake burping and saying "cuse me" and when she hears loud trucks, banging her fists, saying "boom, boom, boom, bye bye" So adorable.

I am enjoying the boys being home, but looking forward to school starting. Three boys are fun and challenging. They are rambuncious and full of life. The are constantly into something or planning their next adventure. Zachary is having trouble sleeping, so he is a little more challenging, but I'll take it. I loved my kids so very much and could not imagine life without any of them.

My hubby is amazing. He is so loving and caring. We celebrated 6 years on Friday and I look forward to 100 more, ok not that many, but you get the picture :)

Finally, church this morning was just awesome. The worship was so full of the Holy Spirit. You could just feel everyone lifting up the name of our Father and praising Him, surrendering to Him. The sermon was about God's will and God really spoke to me. It really laid out the three types of God's will. The moral will of God, the providental will of God and the personal will of God. My prayer for you all is the you let the light of God eliminate your darkness.

Love you all!

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